Burned Out & Feeling Alone As You Care For People?

We Can Help:

We offer sacred space for you and your congregation
to rediscover connection with God, one another, and yourselves.

21st Century Ministry is:

“Being a pastor is like death by a thousand paper cuts,” says Rev. Dr. Ken Fong, senior pastor at Evergreen Baptist Church in Rosemead, California and a program director at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.  “You’re scrutinized and criti…

“Being a pastor is like death by a thousand paper cuts,” says Rev. Dr. Ken Fong, senior pastor at Evergreen Baptist Church in Rosemead, California and a program director at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.  “You’re scrutinized and criticized from top to bottom, stem to stern. You work for an invisible, perfect Boss, and you’re supposed to lead a ragtag gaggle of volunteers towards God's coming future. It's like herding cats, but harder.” ~Forbes.com



We’ve been there - we know the doubts, fears and frustrations of ministry. Many of us can feel like frauds at some point. And we know that sometimes you just need to talk to someone outside of your organizational structure (but who knows ministry challenges) in order to regain your confidence God’s unique calling on your life.

With us - you don’t need to pretend to be something you’re not.


When we look at the expectations put upon most ministers, we are unsure if even Jesus would take on the challenges of modern day pastoring - Forbes called it one of the most stressful jobs on this planet. We offer you time and space to stop and breathe. We help you to “get away” from people for awhile and reconnect with God and your true self.

With gentle reflection and listening, we help you see priorities in new and fresh ways.

Listen to Paula talk about the Pathological Busyness of Pastors

In Partnership with reFresh:

unhurried space for your frenzied soul

How We Help

Our focus is on helping weary and disoriented people discover the Imago Dei that resides in their heart. It is often hidden and covered with open wounds and scars. That disfigurement leads to shame. Though our scars never go away, we can learn to see our wound’s beauty. As shame loses its death grip, we can enter into new and profound relationships that are transformed by beauty and strength.


Clergy retreat

We know the demands of your job are intensive and can be overwhelming. Located near Vancouver, WA, we offer a 1200 sf 2br/1 ba apartment with a private entrance, kitchen, on a greenspace, with hot tub, and optional meetings with Paula and/or Stephen. If you’re looking for a Sabbatical space, a retreat with a few friends, or need some marriage intensive work - join us in our retreat space.


Ministry Assistance Program:

“Employee Assistance Programs” help provide immediate, crisis mental health care at no cost to the employee.  It is our experience that churches and ministry organizations could use similar services so we created a “Ministry Assistance Program.”

It is one way to provide both preventative and crisis care (soul, mental and organizational) for pastors and ministry professionals and their organizations.


Parish Mental Health

In a day and age filled with anxiety and despair, mental health had never been a bigger issue. Insurance is in it for the almighty dollar. Who is in it for your most needy parishioners? We have designed a program that helps you care for your most broken and needy, to get them the care they need.



Our classes are designed to help ministers minister more effectively to their congregation. Many can be offered via video conference; others are more experiential and are best when taught live. Click to learn more about some of our most popular classes and how they can benefit you or a minister you know.



Cohorts are designed to give a small group of people (6-10) time together in targeted spiritual formation or recovery assistance. They typically run from 18 months to two years and can be designed around both Paula’s and Stephen’s ministry and counseling expertise.

Our Northstar:

Gracefall is strongly Trinitarian and as such is committed to helping build healthy relationships; believes that the Imago Dei is at the core of every person; and believes that evil and sin mar that image. Therefore, Gracefall sees, recognizes, names, and works to set free our clients’ glory.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(503) 464-6004

Counseling Services